
2003-10-03 GICA Communication Center

GICA Customer/Vendor Systems is part of the GICA Logistics Operation Systems. It can be operated on itself or being integrated with other GICA systems.

[1] Customer & Partners Management (for the management of the business parties like Shippers, Consignees, Vendors, Buyers, Forwarders, Oversea Agents, Carriers; Credit Limit Control, Role Control, Invoice/Payment search, AR/AP, Client Statement, and so on)

[2] Gica Purchase Order Operations and Track & Trace (For Purchase Order Management, Track & Trace. The System is integrated with Operation Modules like Ocean Freight, Air Freight, Invoicing, etc.).

[3] Gica Ocean Freight Export Systems (including Ocean Export functions and reports, Documentations and reports, Ocean Invoicing, Ocean Job P&L, Ocean Job AR/AP, Cargo Movement Report and P & L Reports).

[4] Gica Ocean Freight Import Systems (including Ocean Import functions and reports, Documentations and reports, Ocean Invoicing, Ocean Job P&L, Ocean Job AR/AP, Cargo Movement Report and P & L Reports).

[5] Gica Air Freight Export Systems (including Air Export functions and reports, Documentations and reports, Air Invoice & Payment, Air Job P&L, Air Job AR/AP, Cargo Movement Report and P&L Reports).

[6] Gica Air Freight Import Systems (including Air Import functions and reports, Documentations and reports, Air Invoice & Payment, Air Job P&L, Air Job AR/AP, Cargo Movement Report and P&L Reports).

[7] Invoicing and Operational AR/AP Statistics (including Invoice, Debit Note, Credit Note, Payment, Invoice Settlement, Monthly Invoice, Estimated AR/AP Listing and Reporting, Invoicing AR/AP Listing and Reporting, Client Statement, etc).

[8] Consolidated Reports System (Statistics of multiple branches on Cargo Movement Reports, Cargo Statistics Reports, Job Summary Reports, Profit & Loss Reports, etc)

[9] Client Online Module (including client online eBooking, online eTrace & Track, online eNotification, etc).

[10] Data Bridging Across Systems (This system enables the job data transferring from one System to another, for example one Ocean Freight job being transferred to Warehouse System, then to Trucking System, and so on. In Gica System Infrastructures, all databases are inter-related. They can run independently or integratedly through the Data Bridging System.).

[11] Data Bridging Across Offices (This system enables the data sharing and data transferring from one office to another, for example a Ocean Master Job created in Shanghai Office can be transferred to Hong Kong as Transshipment Job then to New York as Ocean Import Job.).

[12] Gica PowerReport (including export data reocords into Excel files; user can choose data items and their order for data exporting; user can define exporting parameters for future use)

[13] Gica Online Document Sharing Platform (A module for sharing documents, reports and files on web. These documents, reports and files include the ones generated by system like HAWB document, or uploaded manually. Accessibility Control applies to different users and different roles.)

[14] Gica EDI Engine (For data EDI integration with AMS/ACI, ISF i.e. 10+2, Tradelink/DTTN and any other parties. Data records are generated into XML, TEXT, CSV, Excel or any other formats needed by data recipients.)

[15] Gica Logistics Supporting Platform (including Basic Data Maintenance Module, Gica 3GA Technologies Engine, Multi Language Enabling Engine, Event Monitor, User Management, Document Template Management, System Administration, etc)

Below information is presented in Chinese. For more information, please contact us at info@gicasoft.com.

[1] 致佳物流管理及運作系統為物流企業提供現代物流業一體化、全球化、多語種的專業、靈活的現代物流運作與管理系統,涵蓋了物流業務的整個生命週期的操作與管理,在過去的 8 年間,致佳系統建立起各種操作管理系統,覆蓋四大領域: - 貨代系统系列 (Freight Operation and Management Systems, Ocean Freight, Air Freight, Trucking)、 - 倉儲系统系列 (WMS, CFS, DWMS, Barcode, RFID)、 - 財務系统系列 (PSI, Accounting)、 - 生產企業系统系列 (ERP, MRP, APS, BOM)。

[2] 致佳物流軟件公司總部設于香港、開發中心與國內客戶服務中心設于深圳。致佳是從事物流軟件开發與實施的高科技企業。致佳物流軟件系統整合了物流領域與軟件發展領域的高水準。公司主要業務顧問和技術力量有著多年在國內外大型物流企業以及中國科學院的物流管理、系統分析、系統設計、軟件發展、项目管理與專業服務等領域的實際工作經驗。

[3] 致佳物流系統100% 基於web網上高速应用系统技術。任何地方只要可以上網就可以訪問系統,而不需要安裝多個伺服器、也不需要在PC電腦安裝任何遠端存取工具,大大降低企業集團的總投資並保持快速、穩定、安全的操作、資料訪問與企業中心控制能力。

[4] 致佳公司合作夥伴包括:
a. 中國科學院軟件研究所是致佳公司的長期技術合作夥伴,雙方在網络軟件速度技術、資料備份與同步技術、極限環境下網络軟件的繼續運行技術等方面有多年合作關係。

b. 致佳公司是北京石油化工大學產學研合作基地。

[5] 致佳各類物流系統在包括香港、上海、寧波、深圳、廣州、中山、廈門、福州、溫州、南京、合肥、新加坡、曼谷、東京、大阪、首爾、Penang等亞太區主要港口和城市運作,以及巴拿馬、倫敦、以色列等國家和城市;致佳系統在超過30 個世界各地的城市、超過7000登錄使用者充分體驗到致佳系統網上的、快速的、細緻的、充分考慮香港、華南、華東、華北以及海外的各種特殊業務要求的現代物流操作與管理系統與平臺。到目前為止,按照單一项目角度,國內、香港的軟件公司還沒有其他的軟件公司的系統覆蓋這麼多國家和城市,而且正常運行超過 7 年以上。

1) 基礎資料管理系統 (BASIC)、

2) 致佳网络速度技术核心 (3GA)、

3) 网上客户管理及CRM系統 (CUSTOMER, CRM)、

4) 网上報價管理系統 (RATES and QUOTATION)、

5) 客户网上下单以及网上跟踪系統 (Client Online Track & Trace)、

6) 購貨單管理與跟蹤系統 (PO Track & Trace)、

7) 海運货代操作管理系統(Sea Freight / Export, Import)、

8) 空運货代操作管理系統(Air Freight / Export, Import)、

9) 多式运输操作管理系統(Multi Modal)、 10) 展览操作和管理系統(EXHIBITION)、

11) CFS&貨倉&配送中心操作與管理系統(WMS and CFS)、

12) 保税区货仓系统 (DWMS)、

13) 拖车車隊管理調度系統(TMS)、

14) 生产企业ERP 系统(ERP)、

15) 生产企业自动排产系统(APS)、

16) 电子数据交换与报关系统 (EDI/TradeLink, DTTN, AMS, ACI, China)、

17) 数据桥与财务接口系统(DB/金蝶,用友,微软,MyOB, PeachTree)、

18) 費用與發票管理系統(Fees & Invoice)、

19) 企业进销存系统 (PSI)、

20) 收银销售与提成系统 (POS)、

21) 企业员工考勤、人事管理与绩效系统(HR & KPI)、

22) 集团财务系统 (ACC)、 23) 办公室管理与任务跟进系统 (mTASK)、

24) 数据挖掘与数据分析系统 (BI)、

25) 动态文档产生系统(DOC)、

26) 帮助説明系統 (FAQ)、

27) 管理員系統 (ADMIN)、

28) 系統工具 (TOOL)。



香港: 新蒲崗雙喜街 9 號匯達商業中心 12 樓
深圳:罗湖区中兴路外贸集团大厦 2811-2812

TEL/HK: 92579981, 27908810; TEL/SZ: 13510840995, 82192239, FAX: (852) 27908248

http://www.gicasoft.com 物流網絡 致佳打造– 简单 快速 整合

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