Gica online Accounting System: Speed-E.HK

2011-07-28 GICA Communication Center

Speed-e.HK - The SaaS System being hosted in Hong Kong and protected by international laws - Fast in run; - Easy to use; - User Controllable Price; - Web Based no need installation; - Servers being hosted in Hong Kong data centers; - Enabled multiple Accounting Sets and allowing data transference among AC Sets. - Being protected by Hong Kong & international laws. - SaaS 財務系統; - 符合國際國內財務規則; - PC 無須軟件安裝; - 伺服器在香港數據中心; - 多幣種多帳套(帳套之間可以進行財務數據過渡和調整) The Speed-E.HK systems, due to its most advanced web-based technologies, provide the system environment that so far no other solutions can compete with in terms of system operational speed and functional coverage. For example, the access speed of retrieving 90000 customers is under 0.5 seconds, and Speed-e.HK Accounting System provides functions covering the complete needs and differences in accordance with accounting policies in Hong Kong and China. Bearing the mission of ‘Serve Hong Kong, Serve China, Serve the World’, Speed.E.HK ensures you the web based systems that are stable, fast, easy to use and low costs. You may use any computer to run Speed-E.HK systems, anywhere anytime at the speed of no others can compete with. You only pay for the services you get on monthly basis. Speed-E Accounting System(企业、集团多帐套多币种财务系统) Compared to traditional accounting systems, Speed-E Accounting System covers all functions that are needed in accordance with Hong Kong Accounting Policy which is basically the international accounting policy. Speed-E Accounting System is also in accordance with the China Accouting Policy. There are major differences among the two Accounting Policies, whist Speed-E has well covered both. Speed-E Accounting Systems include all traditional accounting functions like Sales Invoice, Sales Voucher, Purchase, Bank Voucher, Debit Note, Credit Note, Service Invoice, Client Statement, Aging Reports, Voucher Listing, Settlement, Bank Accounts, Profit & Loss, Trial Balance, Balance Sheet, G/L, and all other necessary functions. The Speed-E Accounting System is fully integrated with Speed-E PSI System (Purchase, Sales and Inventory Control). Any data entry in one system would affect and import to another system. For example, when you enter Purchase transaction in PSI system, the data would automatically affect the Stock Inventory, as well as to create Voucher(s) in the Speed-E accounting system. The Speed-E Accounting System can be transformed into the Speed-E Accountancy System, such that whenever it is needed, the Accounting System database can be integrated with the Accountancy Database System therefore there is no need to create and enter data again. Speed-E Accountancy System(代帐公司多帐套多币种财务系统) The Speed-E Accountancy System is a web based financial system, designed particularly for the Certified Accounting Services Firms (CPA) who provides accounting services to their clients. This System contains all functions for data booking, voucher entry, bill entry, documentation, G/L reporting, and other related functions for an Accountancy Firm. The most revolutionary function that Speed-E provides is the ‘Statement Voucher’ which provides an easy and fast entry of batch vouchers in one screen. This saves significant time for voucher entry compared to traditional accounting systems. Furthermore, Speed-E Accountancy System provides the powerful Accounting Sets Control and Management, by which different users in the Accountancy Firm can control and operate on one or multiple G/L & COAs (Chart of Accounts) based on their access rights. That is to say, the Accountancy Firm top management can access all of the COAs in the group; The regional managers can access the G/L & COAs of his/her subordinates; Ordinary staff can access one or multiple G/L & COAs. Then the end clients may access their G/L & COAs in a mode of read only. Such a powerful Accounting Hierarchy is the revolutionary concept firstly implemented by Speed-e.HK. Due to the Speed-E Accountancy System is purely web based, with authorization control, users can access and operate the individual G/L & COA anywhere, anytime, using any computer around the world. Such feature is particularly useful and convenient for the Accountancy Firm staff who travel out of office frequently. The Speed-E Accountancy System can be converted into Speed-E Accounting System as individual COA & G/L. Therefore, when the client needs, the Accounting Sets of the client can be easily ‘separated’ from the Accountancy Hierarchy System, and the client users can have all functions operating on their accounts, and do not need to enter those COA figures again. Email: 香港总部: Gica Logistics Software Ltd. 1206, 12/F., WIN PLAZA, 9 SHEUNG HEI STREET, SAN PO KONG, KOWLOON, HONG KONG Tel: (+852) 37170608, 92579981, Fax: (+852) 27970839 国内总部: 深圳致佳物流软件有限公司 深圳市罗湖区中兴路外贸集团大厦 2811-2812 电话: (+86 755) 82192239

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